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Old 27 พฤศจิกายน 2004, 22:39
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gon gon ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
ข้อความ: 4,612
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24 พฤศจิกายน
1759 : Lagrange writes Euler that he believes that he had developed the true metaphysics of the calculus; at that time he seems to have been convinced that the use of infinitesimals was rigorous. Lagrange attempted to prove Taylor's theorem (the power of which he was the first to observe) and then to develop the entire calculus from it.

1858 : Dedekind discovers his cuts and thereby provides the first correct definition of continuity.

25 พฤศจิกายน
1658 : The prize committee for Pascal's cycloid problems (see 1 Oct. 1658) decides not to give the prize of sixty Spanish gold doubloons to anyone.

1731 : Euler, in a letter, introduces the letter e as the base for natural logarithms ("e denotat numerum, cuius logarithmus hyperbolicus = 1"), though he may have used the notation in his manuscripts as early as 1727.

1907 : First general meeting of the Warsaw Scientific Society. Among the 14 founders of the Society were the two mathematicians Samuel Dickstein (1851-1939) and Wladyslaw Gosiewski (1844-1911).
Old 27 พฤศจิกายน 2004, 23:49
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gon gon ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
ข้อความ: 4,612
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26 พฤศจิกายน
1894 : Norbert Wiener born

27 พฤศจิกายน
1754 : The mathematics tutor Abraham de Moivresuccumbed, at the age of 87, to lethargy. He was sleeping twenty hours a day, and it became a joke that he slep a quarter of an hour more every day and would die when he slept the whole day through.

1875 : Johns Hopkins University offered J.J. Sylvester $5000 a year plus moving expenses to assume the math professorship. He set three conditions under which he would accept; The sum be paid in gold, the university provide a residence, and that he be allowed to appropriate student fees. Only the first was acceptable to the university, but Sylvester agreed when the offer was increased to $6000 in gold. Shortly after arriving he founded the American Journal of Mathematics. In 1883 he left to become Savilian professor of geometry at Oxford.

27 พฤศจิกายน 2004 23:53 : ข้อความนี้ถูกแก้ไขแล้ว 1 ครั้ง, ครั้งล่าสุดโดยคุณ gon
Old 03 ธันวาคม 2004, 05:33
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วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
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28 พศฤจิกายน
1660 : After attending a lecture by Christopher Wren, a group gathered to discuss the founding of "a college for the promoting of physico-mathematical experimental learning." The result was the Royal Society of London.

1977 : Charles Babbage Institute incorporated.

1984 : From Karen E. Oleson's bulletin board: (Meal)-squared + pi = 4U2B Thankful.

29 พศฤจิกายน
1803 : Birthdate of Johann Doppler after whom an "effect" in acoustics and optics is named.

1960 : Digital Equiptment Company (DEC) announces the PDP-1, the first computer with a video display terminal.

30 พศฤจิกายน
1703 : Newton made president of the Royal Society , an office he held until his death.

1712 : William Jones elected fellow of the Royal Society. In 1706 he introduced the Greek letter pi for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to a diameter. The symbol was not generally used in this sense until Euler adopted it in 1737.

1753 : Benjamin Franklin receives the Copley Medal, the highest honor of the Royal Society of London, for his "curious experiments and observations on electricity." He was the first American to receive the Copley Medal. Three years later he was elected a member of the Royal Society.
Old 03 ธันวาคม 2004, 05:39
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gon gon ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
ข้อความ: 4,612
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1 ธันวาคม
1783 : J.A.C. Charles makes the first flight (to 9000 feet) in a hydrogen balloon. He was the first man to see the sun set twice in one day.

2 ธันวาคม
1831 : Birthdate of du-Bois Reymond.

1942 : At 3:36 p.m. in a squash court under the West Stands of Stagg Field (the abandoned football stadium) at the University of Chicago, the first self-sustaining nuclear (fission) reaction took place. Enrico Fermi (1901-1954) was leader of the Manhattan Project.

3 ธันวาคม
1610 : Galileo dedicates his Sidereus nuncius to grandduke Cosmos II.

1924 : Birthdate of John Backus, inventer of FORTRAN

03 ธันวาคม 2004 05:40 : ข้อความนี้ถูกแก้ไขแล้ว 1 ครั้ง, ครั้งล่าสุดโดยคุณ gon
Old 10 ธันวาคม 2004, 11:39
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วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
ข้อความ: 4,612
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4 ธันวาคม

1409 : The University of Leipzig established.

1679 : Philosopher Thomas Hobbes died, thus ending his 25 year feud with John Wallis over Hobbes's attempt to square the circle in 1655. It began when Hobbes called Wallis's Arithmetica Infinitorum a "scab of symbols."

5 ธันวาคม
1825 : Abel writes how delighted he is that Crelle is starting a new mathematics journal, for this means he will now have a place to publish his research. The first volume contained seven papers by Abel.

6 ธันวาคม
1592 : Galileo delivers his inaugural lecture at Padua.

1682 : Giulio Carlo Fagnano dei Toschi born. He was the founder of the geometry of the triangle, studied the lemniscate, and coined the term "elliptic integral."

1917 : Kazimierz Kuratowski gave a talk "On the definitions in mathematics," which became his first published paper. This work grew out of Jan Lukasiewicz's crushing criticism of the foundations of Stanislaw Zaremba's Theoretical Arithmetic (1912). Kuratowski's now famous 1921 definition of ordered pairs also grew out of Lukasiewicz's critique.
Old 10 ธันวาคม 2004, 11:47
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gon gon ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
ข้อความ: 4,612
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7 ธันวาคม
1830 : Birthdate of the Italian geometer Antonio Luigi Gaudenzio Guiseppe Cremona. ชื่อพวกอิตาลี นี่ยาวจนโอเวอร์

1853 Cantor writes Dedekind that the real numbers are uncountable. Five days earlier he wrote that he "had never seriously concerned himself with the problem, since it seemed to have no practical value."

8 ธันวาคม
1632 : Albert Girard died. He introduced the abbreviation sin, tan, and sec for the trigonometric functions.

1831 : "Prof. Noether's lectures (she is a woman---a member of a noted mathematical family) are also excellent...Prof. Noether thinks fast and talks faster. As one listens, one must also think fast---and that is always excellent training. Furthermore, thinking fast is one of the joys of mathematics." Saunders MacLane, then a student at Gottingen, to his mother.

1864 : George Boole died from a feverish cold he got after walking two miles from his home in Queen's College at Cork, Ireland, in a drenching rain to teach his class.

9 ธันวาคม
1667 : William Whiston born. In 1701, Newton arranged for Whiston to succeed him as Lucasian professor. 1n 1710 he was deprived of the chair and driven from Cambridge for his unorthodox religious views.

1906 : Grace Hopper born.

1911 : Henri Poincare wrote the editor of a mathematical journal if, contrary to custom, an unfinished piece of work could be published. He explained that at his age he may not be able to finish it, but that his work might provide ideas for another. The paper was published and not long afterwards George David Birkhoff (1884-1944) completed the solution. Poincare died suddenly on July 17, 1912.

10 ธันวาคม
1269 : The Flemish Dominican Willem van Moerbeke completes the first translation of the works of Archimedes into Latin.

1478 : The Treviso Arithmetic, the first printed mathematics text, published.

1896 : Computer pioneer Augusta Ada Byron born.
Old 18 ธันวาคม 2004, 08:28
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gon gon ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
ข้อความ: 4,612
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เวลาเดินเร็วมากจริง ๆ วันนี้มาต่อ

11 ธันวาคม
1950 : Astronomer Leslie John Comrie, who had no claim to be a mathematician, "showed how to 'program' commercial machines for scientific computation; developed impeccable interpolation techniques; produced mathematical tables of the highest standards of accuracy and presentation; and, in effect, created computational science." For this work he was elected F.R.S. a few months before his death on this date.

12 ธันวาคม
1885 : In the midst of his inaugural lecture at Oxford, Sylvester "refreshed" the audience with his sonnet "To a missing member of a gamily group of terms in an algebraical formula."

13 ธันวาคม
1907 : Emmy Noether receives her Ph.D. degree, summa sum laude, from the University of Erlangon, for a dissertation on algebraic invariants directed by Paul Gordan.She went on to become the world's greatest woman mathematician.

14 ธันวาคม
1503 : The astrologer Nostradamus is born.

15 ธันวาคม
1742 : Euler gives the first clear statement of the fundamental theorem of algebra; every algebraic equation of degree n has exactly n complex roots. Imprecise statements of the result were given earlier by Peter Rothe (1608) and Albert Girard (1629). Incorrect proofs were given by d'Alembert (1746), Euler (1749), Foncenex (1759), Lagrange (1772) and Laplace (1795), but a correct proof (and the name) had to await Gauss's doctoral dissertation of 1799, who discovered it in the fall of 1797 when he was 20.

18 ธันวาคม 2004 08:29 : ข้อความนี้ถูกแก้ไขแล้ว 1 ครั้ง, ครั้งล่าสุดโดยคุณ gon
Old 18 ธันวาคม 2004, 08:32
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วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
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16 ธันวาคม
1627 : Cavalieri announced to Galileo and Cardinal Borromeo that he had completed his Geometria, which contains his method of indivisibles, now known as Cavalieri's principle.

1799 Gauss writes Wolfgand Bolyai that he was sorry they had not discussed the thory of parallels during their student days together at Gottingen (1796-1798)

1861 : Weierstrass, who for twelve years had endured painful attacks of vertigo, suffered a complete collapse of his health due to overwork. Henceforth, he always lectured while seated, consigning the blackboard work to an advanced student. Nevertheless, he eventually became a recognized master teacher.

17 ธันวาคม
???? : Joseph Henry, American physicist, born.

18 ธันวาคม
1799 : Jean Etienne Montucula, historian of mathematics, died
Old 29 ธันวาคม 2004, 23:00
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gon gon ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
ข้อความ: 4,612
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ชักจะเริ่มไกลทุกที มาต่อครับ.

19 ธันวาคม
1783 : Birthdate of Charles-Julien Brianchon who, in 1820 published the nine-point circle theorem. Although this theorem has been independently discovered many times he gave the first complete proof and coined the phrase "nine-point circle."

1894 : Karl Pearson introduces the Pearson family of densities.

1908 : Scientific American offers "A $500 prize for a simple explanation of the fourth dimension."

20 ธันวาคม
1623 Wilhelm Schickard, in a letter to Kepler, describes his calculating machine.

1648 : Thommaso Ceva born.

21 ธันวาคม
1946 : The Detroit news reports the Purdue yell, "E to X, DY, DX-E to the X, DX-Cosine, Secant, Tangent, Sine--Three Point One Four One Nine--Square Root, Cube Root, BTU---Slipstick, Slide Rule, Yea Purdue."

22 ธันวาคม
1669 : "In a dark night, in bed, without pen, ink, or paper, or anything equivalent, I did by memory extract the square root of 3000,00000,00000,00000,00000,00000,00000,00000, which I found to be 1,77205,08075,68077,29353,fere, and did the next day commit it to writing." John Wallis คิดว่าเป็นไปได้ไหม

1819 : Birthdate of Pierre-Ossian Bonnet whose favorite field was differential geometry, a field opened by Euler, Monge, and Gauss, but lacking systematic treatment when Bonnet rook it up in the 1840s.

1869 : Birthdate of Dimitry Fedorovich Egoorov, who worked mainly in function theory.

23 ธันวาคม
1751 : Jacobi called this the birthday of elliptic functions because on this day a work by the Italian mathematician Fagnano, which had been sent to the Berlin Academy, was handed to Euler for review. The study of this work led Euler to his important investigations of elliptic integrals and to the discovery of the addition theorem.
Old 29 ธันวาคม 2004, 23:14
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gon gon ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
ข้อความ: 4,612
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24 ธันวาคม
1819 : Bernard Bolzano was dismissed from his theological chair at the University of Prague and put under police supervision for his unorthodox religious views. In mathematics he helped remove the scandal of infinitesimals from the calculus.

1822 : Charles Hermite born. He proved the transcendence of e in 1873.

2011 The date on which, according to the Mayan calendar, the present world is supposed to end with a flood.
!!! ปฎิทินชาวมายัน บอกว่าน้ำจะท่วมโลกวันที่ 24 ธันวาคม ปี 2011 ... โอ้ ... มาได้จังหวะเหมาะกับซึนามิเลย อีก 7 ปี รอดูต่อไป ...

25 ธันวาคม
1642 : Isaac Newton born.

1758 : Halley's comet(ดาวหางฮัลเล่ย์ ยู้ฮู) first sighted after he predicted its return. After Newton explained planetary motion, he suggested that comets could have elongated elliptical orbits. Halley's comet has eccentricity.

26 ธันวาคม
1532 : Xylander, translator of Euclid and Diophantus, born. This Greek name was the pseudonym of Wilhelm Holzmann.

1791 : Charles Babbage born.

1951 : Kurt Godel delivers the Gibbs Lecture, "Some Basic Theorems on the Foundations of Mathematics and their Philosophical Implications, " to the annual AMS meeting at Brown University.

27 ธันวาคม
1612 : Galileo observed Neptune, but didn't recognize it as a planet. This observation is important in that it has recently led to the conjecture that a tenth planet exists.

28 ธันวาคม
1903 : John von Neumann born.

1923 : George David Birkhoff of Harvard received the first Bocher Memorial Prize for his paper "Dynamical systems with two degrees of freedom."

1938 : Kurt Godel lectures to the annual AMS meeting, Williamsburg, on the consistency of the axiom of choice and the generalized continuum hypothesis. Independence was proved in 1963 by Paul Cohen.

29 ธันวาคม
1256 : Birthdate of Ibn Al-Bann who studied the magic properties of numbers and letters.

1692 : Huygens, in a letter to L'Hospital, gives the first complete sketch of the folium of Descartes. Although the curve was first discussed 23 August 1638, no complete sketch had previously been given due to a reluctance to use negative numbers as coordinates.

29 ธันวาคม 2004 23:15 : ข้อความนี้ถูกแก้ไขแล้ว 1 ครั้ง, ครั้งล่าสุดโดยคุณ gon
Old 17 มกราคม 2005, 14:23
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gon gon ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
ข้อความ: 4,612
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30 ธันวาคม
1902 : Leonard Eugene Dickson married Susan Davis. Later, he often said of his honeymoon: "It was a great success, except that I only got two research papers written." In all he published 18 books and hundreds of articles.

31 ธันวาคม
1610 : Ludolph van Ceulen, fencing master and mathematics instructor, died. On his tombstone is inscribed his greatest accomplishment, the value of pi to 35 decimal places. Pi is still somtimes referred to as Ludolph's number.

1 มกราคม
46 B.C. : The first day of the first year of the Julian calendar. It remained in effect until October 4, 1582 (q.v.) The previous year, "the last year of confusion," was the longest year on record---it contained 445 days.

4713 B.C. : This is Julian day 1 and begins at noon Greenwich or Universal Time (U.T.). It provides a convenient way to keep track of the number of days between events. Noon, January 1, 1984, begins Julian Day 2,445,336. For the use of the Chinese remainder theorem in determining this date, see American Journal of Physics, 49 (1981), 658-661.

1806 : France adopts the Gregorian calendar for the second time.

2 มกราคม
1663 : The Republic of Venice offered Stefano Degli Angeli (1623-1697) the professorship of mathematics at the University of Padua, a post that Galileo had held earlier. He was a student of Cavalieri who generalized the Archimedian spiral.

3 มกราคม
1777 : Birthdate of Poinsot, discoverer of star polyhedra

4 มกราคม
1845 : The Italian geometer Giusto Bellavitis (1803-1880) was appointed, via a competitive examination, full professor of descriptive geometry at the University of Padua. He held no degrees until the university awarded an honorary doctorate in philosophy and mathematics the following year.

5 มกราคม
1874 : In a letter to Dedekind, Cantor asks if the points in a square can be put in one-to-one correspondence with those on a line. "Methinks that answering this question would be no easy job, despite the fact that the answer seems so clearly to be "no" that proof appears almost unnecessary." It was three years before Cantor could prove the answer was "yes."

6 มกราคม
1699 : Newton writes Flamsteed, probably aluding to Bernoulli's challenge of the brachistochrone problem, "I do not be dunned and teezed by forreigners about Mathematical things."

1900 : Frege writes to Hilbret: "Suppose we know that the propositions (1) A is an intelligent being, (2) A is omnipresent, (3) A is omnipotent, together with all their consequences did not contradict one another; could we infer from this that there was an omnipotent, omnipresent, intelligent being?"

7 มกราคม
1610 : Galileo discovered the first three moons of Jupiter, or the Medicean Start, as he called them. (On January 7 and 13 he discovered the four largest ones.) The telescope seems to have been invented in Holland in 1608 and news of it spread quickly through Europe. Galileo constructed several telescopes and began observations in 1609. The discoveries of the Medicean Stars and the roughness of the moon, which ws illustrated with woodcuts, were published in Galileo's Sidereus Nuncius (The Starry Messenger) of 1610.

1981 : Cathleen S. Morawetz, of the Courant Institute, delivered the 54th Gibbs Lecture entitled "The mathematical approach to the sound barrier." She was the first woman to be invited to give this prestigious address to the AMS

8 มกราคม
1888 : Courant born.

9 มกราคม
]u]1587[/u] : Paul Wittich died. In 1580, with the help of Tycho Brahe, he rediscovered the method of prostaphaeresis.

10 มกราคม
1854 : Riemann presents a paper to the philosophical faculty at Gottingen in which he challenges the mathematical world to redefine the concept of infinity to be either endless or unbounded.

1911 : Garrett Birkhoff born.

11 มกราคม
1775 : Gaspard Monge (1746-1818) presents a memoir before teh Academie des Sciences in which he made use of two planes of projection in his descriptive geometry. Descriptive geometry, which deals with the accurate two dimensional rendering of three dimensional solids, had been suggested by Frezier in 1738, but it is mainly to Monge that the mathematical theory owes its development.

1787 : Friedrich Wilhelm Herschel discovers the first two moon of Uranus, Titania and Oberon

12 มกราคม
1853 : C. Ricci born.

13 มกราคม
1659 : Hendrik van Heuraet sends van Schooten his rectification of the semi-cubical parabola. This was published---his only publication---in the second Latin edition of Descartes' Geometrie. This broke the spell of Aristotle's dictum that curved lines could not in principle be compared with straight lines.

1902 : Karl Menger born.

1911 : A. V. Vasil'ev gave a lecture entitled,"Non-Euclidean Geometry and the Non-Aristotelian Logic." This is his claim to the discovery of three-valued logics. He did not work out the system in detail, so credit usually goes to Lukasiewicz.

14 มกราคม
1753 : Bishop George Berkely died. In 1734 he published The Analyst, Or a Discourse Addressed to an Infidel Mathematician (namely Edmund Halley). This work was a strong and reasonably justified attack on the foundation of the differential calculus. He called differentials "the ghosts of departed quantities."

15 มกราคม
1827 : Only once, in a book review of 1816, did Gauss hint publically at his ideas on non-Euclidean Geometry. On this date he wrote his friend Schumacher that their published ideas were "besmirched with mud" by critics.

1850 : Sonya Kovalevsky born. Her bedroom was wallpapered with the pages of a text from her father's schooldays, namely, Ostrogradsky's lithographed lecture notes on the calculus. Study of the novel wallpaper introduced her to the calculus at age 11. She became the greatest woman mathematician prior to the twentieth century.

16 มกราคม
1801 : Birthdate of Thomas Clausen. In 1854 he factored F(6) = 2-to the 2-to the 6th +1 (Euler factored F(5) in 1732), thus providing another counterexample to a conjecture of Fermat.

1826 : Able writes Holboe: "The divergent series are the invention of the devil."

17 มกราคม
1868 : Birthdate of Louis Couturat, a logician whose historical researches led to the publication of Leibniz's logical works in 1903.

1974 IBM introduces the first programmable calculator
Old 18 กุมภาพันธ์ 2005, 02:52
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วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
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18 มกราคม
1856 : Birthdate of Luigi Bianchi , an Italian geometer who worked on non-Euclidean geometry .

19 มกราคม
1590 : Giovanni Battista Benedetti died. In one of his books he forecast his death for 1592. Hence, on his deathbed, he recomputed his horoscope and declared that an error of four minutes must have been made in the original date, thus evincing his lifelong faith in the doctrines of judicial astrology.

1833 : Birthdate of Rudolf Clebsch who worked on invariant theory .

1879 : Fubini born.

20 มกราคม
1834 : William Watson born in Nantucket, MA. In 1862, he earned his Ph.D at the University of Jena, being the first American to receive a Ph.D. in mathematics at a foreign university. Later he taught at Harvard and MIT. In the same year Yale was the first American school to grant a Ph.D. in mathematics.

21 มกราคม
1860 : Birthdate of David Eugene Smith , historian of mathematics

1874 : Baire born.

22 มกราคม
1775 : Andre-Marie Ampere born.

1874 : Leonard Eugene Dickson born.

1889 : Oskar Bolza gives his first lecture to a non-German audience. At Johns Hopkins he gave twenty lectures "on the theory of substitution groups and its application to algebraic equations." This was the first course on Galois theory in this country. It was published in 1891 in the American Journal of Mathematics.
Old 18 กุมภาพันธ์ 2005, 02:53
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วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
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23 มกราคม
1862 : David Hilbert born.

24 มกราคม
1640 : John Pell wrote Mersenne that Thomas Harriot (1560-1621) had found the law of refraction, now known as Snell's law .

1798 : Von Staudt born.

25 มกราคม
1736 : Lagrange born.

1843 : H. A. Schwarz born.

1870 : H. von Koch born. He is noted for his snowflake curve.

26 มกราคม
1678 : Phillipe de LaHire nominated to the Academy of Sciences. This geometer was so adept at synthetic techniques that he, together with Rolle , was hostile to the infinitesimal calculus when discussions of its value were raised in the Academy beginning in 1701.

27 มกราคม
1695 : Nicolas II Bernoulli born.

1832 Charles Lutwidge Dodgson born. Although a mathematics professor, he wasn't much of a mathematician. Mathematicians appreciate his Alice books, written under the pseudonym, Lewis Carroll.
Old 18 กุมภาพันธ์ 2005, 02:55
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วันที่สมัครสมาชิก: 29 มีนาคม 2001
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28 มกราคม
1699 : Leibniz elected the first foreign member of the French Academy.

1855 : William Burroughs born.

29 มกราคม
1697 : Newton received two challenge problems from Johann Bernoulli , one being the Brachistochrone problem published in Acta eruditorum the previous June and addressed "to the shrewdest mathematicians in the world." The next day Newton posted his solution to the Royal Society. When Bernoulli saw the anonymous solution, he recognized it as "ex ungue leonem" (as the lion is recognized by his paw).

1700 : Daniel Bernoulli born.

1810 : Kummer born.

30 มกราคม
1619 : Michelangelo Ricci born. In 1666, he found the tangent lines to the parabolas of Fermat .

31 มกราคม
1715 : Birthdate of Giovanni Francesco Fagnano dei Toschi , son of Giulio Carlo Fagnano. He calculated the integral of the tangent.

1 กุมภาพันธ์
1673 : Leibniz , during his first visit to London, exhibits his calculating machine to the Royal Society.

2 กุมภาพันธ์
1522 : Ludovico Ferrari born.

1903 : Bartels Van der Waerden born.

3 กุมภาพันธ์
1692 : De la Pryme records in his diary that Newton had a fire in his study that destroyed the manuscript of his Optics. "Everyone though he would have run mad; he was so troubled..."

1898 : P. Urysohn born.
Old 18 กุมภาพันธ์ 2005, 02:56
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gon gon ไม่อยู่ในระบบ
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ข้อความ: 4,612
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4 กุมภาพันธ์
1964 : ENIAC patent issued.

5 กุมภาพันธ์
1772 : Laplace presents his first probability memoir to the Academie des Sciences.

6 กุมภาพันธ์
1465 : Del Ferro born.

1612 : Christopher Clauvius , the Euclid of the sixteenth century, died. He was also the leader of the Gregorian calendar reform.

7 กุมภาพันธ์
1877 : Hardy born.

1883 : Eric Temple Bell born. Although he was a well known mathematician in his day, he is best remembered for his popular Men of Mathematics.

8 กุมภาพันธ์
1700 : Daniel Bernoulli born.

1875 : Birthdate of Thomas Bromwich . G.H. Hardy described him as the "best pure mathematician among the applied mathematicians at Cambridge, and the best applied mathematician among the pure mathematicians."

9 กุมภาพันธ์
1775 : Farkas Bolyai born.

1883 : Henry John Stephen Smith died (born November 2, 1826). He posthumously received the Grand Prix des Sciences Mathematiques of the Paris Academy of Science for his proof that every (positive?) integer is the sum of five squares. He shared the prize with eighteen year old Hermann Minkowski.
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